3 Leadership Tips From Ruth

faith leadership Feb 03, 2022

As far as female leaders go, what better place to look for inspiration than from God’s Word. There’s definitely a reason God chose to include the people He did in the Bible. So, shouldn’t we pay more attention as to why?


In this case, let’s take a better look at Ruth. You may have heard her story before; I know I have heard it many times growing up. It is the story of a woman who has gone through the loss of her husband, and now faces a choice; to go with her mother-in-law Naomi, or return to her homeland.


In Ruth 1:16-17 it says, “But Ruth replied, ‘Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!’” 


Naomi had told Ruth and Orpah to go back to their homelands, yet Ruth was determined to go with Naomi. Soon after they arrived in Bethlehem, Naomi got a job working for Boaz who was a relative of her husband. Boaz showed Ruth much kindness. Boaz grew fond of the kindness and loyalty Ruth showed him, and eventually, he married her. 


So now the question is, what can we learn about leadership from Ruth.


Doing What is Right, not Just What is Easy

It may have been easy for Ruth to go back to her homeland to the people she knew. Yet, she decided to stay with Naomi in a place where she’d never been. Making decisions isn’t always easy, but doing the right thing is always the best choice.


Integrity and Loyalty

As a leader, showing integrity and loyalty is important in gaining the respect and influence you need with those you are leading. When Ruth chose to go with Naomi, she chose loyalty and integrity to her as family and to her mother-in-law. When she got to Bethlehem, others saw her as a foreigner, but also knew that she didn’t abandon Noami when she needed her the most. This made people show her respect and kindness. 


Stay Humble

When Boaz recognized Ruth as being kind and loyal to her family, he blessed and favored her. She could have slacked off, but instead, she did as Naomi said and gathered grain in the fields. As a leader, having favor from others may get to your head, but you should not let it. Stay Humble, knowing that it isn’t about you – it is all for the glory of God.


God gave us Ruth’s story for many reasons. One being that we can look at her life, and learn from it. We see her staying faithful and obedient. She was loyal and kind. These characteristics all add up to being a great leader. 



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